Do you struggle to market your art in a way that feels natural and effective?
Are you overwhelmed by all the ways you could promote your work and unsure where to focus your efforts?
Marketing your art doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The Art Biz: Simplify Your Art Marketing Strategy Workshop is designed to help you cut through the noise and focus on what truly works for your art career and life.
Whether you want to attract more collectors, secure better exhibition opportunities, or take control of your marketing with less stress, this hands-on workshop will help you develop a clear, actionable plan. With expert guidance from Alyson Stanfield and the support of fellow artists, you’ll leave with renewed confidence and a strategy that aligns with your unique goals.
Who is this for?
This workshop is designed for artists who:
- Maintain a committed studio practice with a cohesive body of work
- Have an online presence for their art and want to refine their marketing strategy
- Are serious about earning income and/or gaining recognition for their work
- Use email marketing and want to maximize its impact
- Are eager to connect with and engage their community
- Regularly post and interact on at least one social media platform
This workshop is not for artists who:
- Haven’t yet developed a body of work to promote
- Are looking for quick fixes rather than a thoughtful, long-term approach
- Only want to focus on social media trends without broader marketing strategies
- Frequently make excuses about why they can’t promote their art
- Aren’t ready to confidently step into the spotlight
In this workshop, you will …
- Learn strategies to build visibility and attract the right audience for your work
- Develop a personalized marketing plan tailored to your goals
- Receive feedback on your plan from Alyson and other workshop participants
- Gain insights on landing a show at MAINSITE
- Put systems of accountability into place to help you stay on track
Ticket info:
- Early Bird Fee until May 1st at 11:59 pm: $99, with lunch included
- After Early Bird: $125, with lunch included
- Registration closes May 10th
- Bonus: First 10 registrants will be entered to win one of two 45-minute private consultations with Alyson ($250 value!)
About Alyson Stanfield
Alyson B. Stanfield is an art-marketing consultant, workshop leader, and artist advocate. Since 2002, she has helped thousands of artists around the world to gain visibility and sell more art through her private coaching, Essentials for Artist Success classes, The Art Biz Podcast, and her book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio. Alyson believes that all artists deserve to be paid fairly for their work and is committed to helping them take control of their marketing with confidence and clarity.
Alyson holds four beliefs that guide all of her work with artists:
- The art must come first.
- Your art doesn’t speak for itself—you must learn to communicate clearly about it.
- Your network is your most valuable marketing asset.
- Business systems will help you grow faster, save time, and elevate your professionalism.
See more at and follow Alyson on Instagram @alysonstanfield.
Please fill out to receive funds allotted for the FY24/25 Hotel Fund.
Please complete this form to receive the funds awarded through the Hotel Tax Grant program.
Your Grant Final Report is due by August 15, 2024.
Norman Arts Council, Public Art Committee
Mural Incentive Program
The Norman Arts Council and the Norman Public Art Committee announce the 2024 Mural Incentive Program. This program is intended to enhance the cultural landscape of Norman, OK by providing matching funds to property owners who wish to invest in a mural on the exterior of their space.
Murals must be in the City of Norman, Oklahoma's boundaries.
Applications will be considered for funding as they are received. The Public Arts Committee will review applications at their monthly meetings on the second Monday of the month. There is no deadline for applications. Projects will be considered for NAC funding if funds are currently available.
NAC/PAC will consider 1 to 1 matching up to $10,000 – If the NAC/PAC approves the request, it will be the maximum possible award. If the application is from a nonprofit entity, no matching funds are required unless the project is more than $10,000. All applicants can expect a response within 45 days of submission.
Applicants MUST provide with the application:
· Written and signed approval from the property owner (if other than the applicant) for the mural.
· An artist rendering of the mural design
· A signed written agreement with the artist which includes:
The total cost to be paid to the artist
A statement that the mural will remain in place for at least 5 years unless the mural has been damaged or has deteriorated beyond reasonable repair.
NOTE: The NAC must be contacted in writing before removal if there is a reason to remove early.
· A full budget for the project which will include payment to the artist:
AT LEAST $25/square foot for mural
NAC recommends a minimum design fee of $500
If you have requested design proposal from multiple artists, NAC recommends a minimum design fees of $500 to each artist
· A timeline for the project
· Acknowledgment of review of the Federal Visual Artists Rights Act:
If a business/property owner would like NAC assistance with commissioning an artist, please see our Pre-Qualified List of Artists. If you do not see an artist you would like to work with, you can speak to the NAC about managing a Call for Proposals for your intended mural. Please reach out to Leslie Nottingham:
Why NAC/PAC could say no to funding:
· The location isn’t visible to the public
· In an attempt to have a diverse representation of artists in Norman, consideration of funding will be weighted towards our mission of working with varied artists and styles
· The budget is not appropriate to the project
· The project is already in production
· The project does not align with the mission and values of the NAC and PAC. This may include reasons such as, but not limited to:
Content that may be deemed offensive (political commentary, hate speech, cultural appropriation, pro or anti-religious discourse, etc.)
Once approved, the NAC will contract with Business:
· Any changes to the design after funding has been approved must be approved by NAC/PAC
· Disbursement of funds: 50% on contract execution and 50% upon completion of the project
Your Project Grant Final Report is due within 45 days of the completion of the project.
Your Grant Final Report is due by August 15, 2023
Use this form to send the NAC your monthly announcements for the Roundtable meetings. Roundtable meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1:30pm.
To be included in the Roundtable announcements, you MUST submit via this form by midnight the Sunday just prior to Roundtable. We will only announce events/programs that are starting within the next 60 days.
You may use this same form to submit events/programs to our calendar. There is no deadline for this.
ALL Artist, Maker, or Cultural Participants MUST submit here to set up at the 2nd Friday Art Walk AFTER DETERMINING YOUR LOCATION OF SET-UP. This information is required for the application. This registration form is for the following participants ONLY:
- Individual artists and artisans - selling OR display/activity only
- Participants selling or demonstrating locally crafted merchandise
- 501C3 Organizations with a cultural mission
Location: Please determine where you would like to set up and get permission from the business in close proximity. **NEW** Please do this BEFORE filling out this application so you can tell us the location you will be setting up!** Be certain they have not already promised the space to someone else or have their own events planned on the sidewalk for their business.
The footprint of Art Walk includes: the 200 & 100 blocks of West Main St, the 100, 200, & 300 blocks of East Main, the 100 & 200 blocks of E Gray. Vendors setting up in these areas are required to register through the Norman Arts Council.
Deadline is 6 p.m. the Wednesday prior to the Art Walk
Permits: Once you have submitted the application, you will receive the actual permit via an automated reply. You will print this & are required to display it on your booth visible to passersby.
All participants must provide their own equipment for set up. Tents, tables, chairs, and electricity is not provided by the NAC or the City of Norman.
ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE FAMILY FRIENDLY - Any participants not deemed family friendly will be ask to leave 2nd Friday immediately.
Any participants selling food, whether pre-packages or freshly served, are required by STATE LAW to have a license from the Cleveland County Health Department.
*The Norman Arts Council and the City of Norman reserve the right to deny any participant application that they do not believe fits the purpose of the 2nd Friday Art Walk.
ALL Artist, Maker, or Cultural Participants who have not registered 48 priors to the event MUST submit here to set up at the 2nd Friday Art Walk.
This registration form is for the following participants ONLY:
- Individual artists and artisans - selling OR display/activity only
- Participants selling or demonstrating locally crafted merchandise
- 501C3 Organizations with a cultural mission
Please determine where you would like to set up and get permission from the business in close proximity. Be certain they have not already promised the space to someone else or have their own events planned on the sidewalk for their business.
All participants must provide their own equipment for set up. Tents, tables, chairs, and electricity is not provided by the NAC or the City of Norman.
ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE FAMILY FRIENDLY - Any participants not deemed family friendly will be ask to leave 2nd Friday immediately.
Any participants selling food, whether pre-packages or freshly served, are required by STATE LAW to have a license from the Cleveland County Health Department. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THEM AT:
*The Norman Arts Council and the City of Norman reserve the right to deny any participant application that they do not believe fits the purpose of the 2nd Friday Art Walk.
Any potential 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk street performer must fill out this online application to set up to perform within the 2nd Friday footprint (200 W. Main to 300 E. Main blocks / Jones to Depot / Gray Street from Jones to Porter).
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: 5 p.m. the Wednesday before each 2nd Friday
Locations will be limited to space out performers with music to honor artistic excellence by giving each performer the space needed to be heard clearly. Please determine your location BEFORE filling out your application and get permission from the business or businesses near your location.
- The location must be determined prior
- Brick & mortar businesses may work with performers to facilitate performances outside their businesses, but a permit is still required
- NAC will work to accommodate all performers but will respect artistic excellence by giving each performer the space needed to be heard clearly
No equipment or electricity will be provided.
*NAC and the City of Norman reserve the right to refuse any Street Performer Application.
ALL potential 2nd Friday Street Performers who have not registered by the first Friday of the month MUST submit here to set up at the 2nd Friday Art Walk.
Any potential 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk street performer must fill out this online application to set up to perform within the 2nd Friday footprint (200 W. Main to 300 E. Main blocks / Jones to Depot / Gray Street from Jones to Porter).
Locations will be limited and assign by Norman Arts Council.
- Location preference may be requested
- Brick & mortar businesses may work with NAC to facilitate performances outside their businesses, but a permit is still required
- We will work to accomodate all requests to the best of our ability
No equipment or electricity will be provided.
*NAC and the City of Norman reserve the right to refuse any Street Performer Application, and refunds will be issued in this case.
ALL 2nd Friday Participants who do not have a permanent, brick and mortar location on Main Street within the 2nd Friday boundaries or are not an arts-related participant MUST submit here to set up at the 2nd Friday Art Walk. This registration form is for the following participants ONLY:
- Non arts-related businesses, non-profits, or other community organizations (including churches, booster clubs, student/youth organizations)
- Political candidates and non arts-related advocacy groups
All participants must provide their own equipment for set up. Tents, tables, chairs, and electricity is not provided by the NAC or the City of Norman.
Deadline is 6 p.m. the Wednesday prior to the Art Walk
ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE FAMILY FRIENDLY - Any participants not deemed family friendly will be ask to leave 2nd Friday immediately.
Any participants selling food, whether pre-packages or freshly served, are required by STATE LAW to have a license from the Cleveland County Health Department.
*The Norman Arts Council and the City of Norman reserve the right to deny any participant application that they do not believe fits the purpose of the 2nd Friday Art Walk.
ALL 2nd Friday Participants who do not have a permanent, brick and mortar location on Main Street within the 2nd Friday boundaries or are not an arts-related participant AND have not registered 48 hours in advance of the event MUST submit here to set up at the 2nd Friday Art Walk. This registration form is for the following participants ONLY:
- Non arts-related businesses, non-profits, or other community organizations (including churches, booster clubs, student/youth organizations)
- Political candidates and non arts-related advocacy groups
All participants must provide their own equipment for set up. Tents, tables, chairs, and electricity is not provided by the NAC or the City of Norman.
ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE FAMILY FRIENDLY - Any participants not deemed family friendly will be ask to leave 2nd Friday immediately.
Any participants selling food, whether pre-packages or freshly served, are required by STATE LAW to have a license from the Cleveland County Health Department.
*The Norman Arts Council and the City of Norman reserve the right to deny any participant application that they do not believe fits the purpose of the 2nd Friday Art Walk.
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must have non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) or equivalent status and be located in Norman, Oklahoma. This grant is not open to University applicants.
This grant provides limited funding for management support/training on organization issues including:
· board development
· financial management
· resource development
· marketing and public relations
· strategic planning
· personnel development and management
· technology.
This support/training may be done on-site or off-site using training selected by the organization. The training format may be attendance at a seminar, individual consultation, or group consultation. These grants are available in addition to the Arts Project Grants and/or Operational Support. Awards will be granted up to $1,000. A brief report after the training is required.
MATCHING REQUIREMENT: There is no matching requirement for AMS Grants
NOTIFICATION: The Norman Arts Council Grants Committee will review within a week of submission. Notification and Contract will be emailed to applicant upon final decision of the committee.
AWARD DISPERSMENT: Upon receipt of signed contract.
FINAL REPORT: Due within 30 days of the end of the grant period. Organization may not apply for another NAC grant opportunity until the Final Report is accepted.
In addition to completing the online application and proposal narrative, applicants will be required to upload the following support materials:
- 501(c)3 exemption letter
- Current organization bylaws
- Current list of Board members
- Copy of Current Secretary of State Charitable Organization Registration Certificate
Sudden Opportunity Grant Guidelines
MISSION: Ensuring a vibrant and growing arts community for Norman.
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must have non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) or equivalent status and be located in Norman, Oklahoma. All projects must occur in Norman and take place in an American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant space or have an alternative form of participation to accommodate visitors with mobility disabilities.
The Sudden Opportunity Support category provides funds for arts and humanities projects in Norman which could not have been foreseen in advance of the regular granting cycle. Grant awards to eligible applicants may be awarded for up to $2000and are contingent on the availability of Norman Arts Council funds. Check with the NAC office for availability of funds and to ensure eligibility for your project before submitting a SOS grant proposal.
REVIEW CRITERIA: The NAC is seeking applications for arts programs that are:
· Equitable: The NAC funds programs that seek diverse, equitable, and inclusive groups of artists and audiences, expanding the considerations of what “equity” means in the City of Norman, OK.
· Excellent: Program is original, innovative, of exceptional quality, and of enduring value.
· Educational: Program serves to educate the direct audience and wider community through outreach that goes beyond presentation.
· Enticing: Program(s) will attract visitors to Norman or entice new Norman audiences to participate/attend.
Applicants will not be disqualified for not meeting all the criteria. It is encouraged, however, to try to meet as many as possible and to address the criteria directly in the proposal.
· Fund-raising events
· Grants to pay existing debts or for the purchase of capital improvements or equipment
· Programs not accessible to the general public
· Programs performed in direct conjunction with a religious service
· Indirect costs, other than administrative costs directly related to a program (not to exceed 20% of the requested funds).
FUNDING LIMITS: SOS grants may be requested for up to $2,000. A single organization may not apply for SOS funds more than three times in a calendar year.
MATCHING REQUIREMENT: There is no matching requirement for SOS Grants
NOTIFICATION: The Norman Arts Council Grants Committee will review within a week of submission. Notification and Contract will be emailed to applicant upon final decision of the committee.
AWARD DISPERSMENT: Upon receipt of signed contract.
FINAL REPORT: Due within 30 days of the end of the grant period. Organization may not apply for another NAC grant opportunity until the Final Report is accepted.
COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: In addition to completing the online narrative, applicant will be required to upload the following support materials:
- NAC Budget worksheet (download at )
- 501(c)3 exemption letter
- Current annual budget
- Current list of board of directors and officers
· Copy of Current Secretary of State Charitable Registration Certificate
· Copy of OU Departmental description as found in the University Handbook (OU applicants only)
Your final report is due 45 days after completion of the training or activity funded. Organizations that do not submit a final report on time may not be allowed to apply for future Norman Arts Council funding. If extenuating circumstances make it impossible for an organization to meet this deadline, the organization must receive approval from the NAC in advance.
Your final report is due 30 days after completion of the project. Remaining award funds will automatically be forfeited by any organization that fails to submit the COMPLETE Final Report by the deadline. Organizations that do not submit a final report on time may not be allowed to apply for future Norman Arts Council funding. If extenuating circumstances make it impossible for an organization to meet this deadline, the organization must receive approval from the NAC in advance.
Conflict of Interest Policy
This policy applies to board members, staff and certain volunteers of the Norman Arts Council. A volunteer is covered under this policy if that person has been granted significant independent decision-making authority with respect to financial or other resources of the organization. Persons covered under this policy are hereinafter referred to as “interested parties.”
Conflict of Interest
A conflict may exist where an interested party, or a relative or business associate of an interested party, directly or indirectly benefits or profits as a result of a decision made or transaction entered into by the organization.
A conflict may also exist where an interested party, or a relative or business associate of an interested party, obtains a non-financial benefit or advantage that he would not have obtained absent his/her relationship with the organization, or where his/her duty or responsibility owed to the organization conflicts with a duty or responsibility owed to some other organization.
An interested party is under a continuing obligation to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest as soon as it is known, or reasonably should be known.
NAC Board will be made up of people from various sectors of the Norman Community, including artists and arts administrators. Occasionally, these board members may have perceived conflicts of interest when the NAC offers opportunities such as exhibits, awards, grants, and other special programming for which they would like to be considered. The NAC does allow for board members to apply for these opportunities, but the board member must revise their conflict of interest disclosure to indicate potential benefit from said opportunities. Should a board member apply, they must abstain from any discussion/board action related to that particular program/opportunity.
Specific Conflicts of Interest
The following are specific conflicts of interest that would preclude an individual from serving on the Norman Arts Council Board of Directors, Standing Committees, or Selection Panels:
- A spouse, partner, or close family member also serves on the same board of directors, standing committee, or selection panel
- A spouse, partner, or close family member is on NAC Staff
- Said individual is an elected official that has direct influence over public funding for the NAC
An interested party shall complete a questionnaire, to fully and completely disclose the material facts about any actual or potential conflicts of interest. The disclosure statement shall be completed upon his/her association with the organization, and shall be updated annually thereafter. An additional disclosure statement shall be filed at such time as an actual or potential conflict arises.
The Executive Committee shall review disclosure statements. Copies shall also be provided to the Executive Director.
Disclosure statements are kept with other official document of the organization on an electronic server.
Procedures for Review of Actual or Potential Conflicts
Whenever there is reason to believe that an actual or potential conflict of interest exists between the NAC and an interested party, the Board of Directors shall determine the appropriate organizational response.
Where the actual or potential conflict involves an employee of the organization other than the Executive Director, the Executive Director shall, in the first instance, be responsible for reviewing the matter and may take appropriate action as necessary to protect the interests of the organization. The Executive Director shall report to the President the results of any review and the action taken. The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall determine if any further board review or action is required.
Violations of Conflict of Interest Policy
If the board of directors has reason to believe that an interested party has failed to disclose an actual or potential conflict of interest, it shall inform the person of the basis for such belief and afford the person an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose.
If, after hearing the response of the interested party and making such further investigation as may be warranted in the circumstances, the board determines that the interested party has in fact failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action.
This form must be submitted to request awarded grant funds.
Your organization may request up to 50% of the funds awarded within 90 days of the project start date.